Fungai Guta - Refugee, Immigration & Human Rights Law Clerk.

Heather Redfern B.A., Diploma (Community Worker)

Legal Assistant (she/her)

Tel: +1-647-670-3484| Email: [email protected]

Heather is a Legal Assistant at Landings LLP. She graduated from the Accelerated Community Worker Program at George Brown College with honours (2022). She was drawn to the program’s practical and hands on approach to supporting community well-being with an emphasis on social justice, advocacy, and community partnership. Throughout her diploma she focused on the effects of Canadian social policy on residents of Toronto.

While at George Brown, Heather completed placements with two food justice-based organizations: the Eco-Just Food Network and St James Town Community Coop. She worked to address structural barriers to food security, expand community access to green space and growing space, and to develop local community food hubs and markets for priority neighbourhoods.

In addition to her Community Work Diploma, she also holds an Honours Specialist B.A. in Critical Development Studies from the University of Toronto, where she graduated with distinction. She completed an undergraduate honours thesis, examining the disconnect between theory and practice within the ecotourism sector of Vietnam. While in Vietnam, she also worked as a sector research and analysis officer with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC). Her role involved working with Vietnamese youth and women to identify barriers to employment within the tourism industry, and to implement workshops around developing their soft skills.

Heather enjoys her ability to combine her past experience with research and advocacy in her role as a legal assistant as she works with clients to navigate the complex immigration and refugee process.


  • George Brown College – Community Worker (Fast Track) Diploma
  • Saint Mary’s University – Coursework towards an MA in Human Geography
  • University of Toronto – Honours Specialist B.A. Critical Development Studies

Select Experience

  • Placement Student, Food Justice – Eco-Just Food Network & St. James Town Community Coop
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto
  • Sector Research and Analysis Officer – WUSC Vietnam


  • Dean’s List Scholar
  • Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


  • Anti-oppressive framework
  • Understanding & Managing Aggressive Behaviour
  • Group Facilitation